Katana Nihonto japanese sword
Here you are going to find all possibilities we offer to create your custom-made katana.
Our unique catalog is the greatest in Europe and in Occident, particularly with over 110
tsubas (guards) !
All sabers are conceived for Japanese martial arts practice (budo), such as kenjutsu, iaïdo,
aïkido ...
The assembly is full tang (high security handling), forged steel sharp blade. Opportunity to
forge shikomizu, ninjato or other Japanese blades if requested.
Please fill in the 21 requisite fields of the form to know the price of your custom-made saber.
Fabrication within a period of 12-14 weeks.
Mind ! If you wish to receive via e-mail (or want to register) your estimate, please create your client account connecting on top of the page, at right.

Katana Custom

1- Carbon steel type  (9 Options)
2- Hamon Style (Clay Temper)  (4 Options)
3- Length of blade  (13 Options)
4- Groove  (4 Options)
5- Kissaki (point)  (4 Options)
6- Sori (Curve)  (5 Options)
7- Tsurikomi (blade structure)  (4 Options)
8- Habaki (ring above the guard)  (9 Options)
9- Seppas  (4 Options)
10- Tsuba (Guard)  (106 Options)
11- Fushi-Kashira (ornaments)  (36 Options)
12- Menuki (ornaments)  (39 Options)
13- Ito (weaving work for grip/Tsuka)  (18 Options)
14- Same (skate skin)  (3 Options)
15- Tsuka-maki (form of weaving)  (2 Options)
16- Length of the Tsuka (grip)  (6 Options)
17- Sageo (weaving sheath/saya)  (8 Options)
18- Saya (sheath)  (24 Options)
19- Bukuro (cover for katana)  (1 Options)
20- Engraving on blade  (2 Options)
Katana Custom
Reference : KTCKATANA
Starting price : US$ 0.00
US$ 0.00